Second Life. Heard of it? Want to know what it's all about. Follow this link to the main website - there are lots of links to the many fansites of this rapidly expanding global virtual community too. Currently 3.9 million users and counting. The issues and debates sourrounding Second Life are numerous; particularly socially and economically. Anyone currently in Second Life?
Still confused? Check out this Introductory video about Second Life
Comments please...
Well this annoyed me, i went to sing up to try and see what it was like but i threw that idea out the window as the signign up process confused me faar to much. I did watch the video, and it just seems like its going to be a central place for product placement and just a place for different businesses to advertise. Tbh why would anyone want to waste money on buying brand name things in the game world wen they could spend it in the "real world", my overall conclusion of that is that it is takeing over there lives lol. Seriously tho, people do actually put their social lives on hold for games like this, which i think in the future will probably have to end up bein addressed by executives or w.e. yea ive kinda gone on and on, but i just find it weird how people can b so obsessed over things like this.
As i instantly hate all things like this, i decided it was only fair if i had a go myself. From the homepage Second Life does look amazing, the graphics are great and the vastness of the game did draw me in. However, i agree with Ashley, the signing up process is far too complicated, with tunnes of stuff that's not needed. But for those who do manage to get inside the world , they will be consumed by a mass amount of games, activities, shopping and discussion groups to keep you entertained for hours. so no wonder people waste so much time in a virtual world. This might appeal to others, but for me, i cant see the reason for replacing myself with a virtual me just so i can do all the things i could do in real life. Right now over $1.5 million dollars have been spent on Second Life in the last 24 hours! i can think of plenty of better ways to spend that money. In my opinion Second Life is a way for companies to get the most out of their consumers without having to spend large amounts of money on real advertising, marketing research and product placement.
I have just read an article on the Media Guardian website about Second Life, it's saying that an investigation is being made into players who are reportedly buying sex with other players posing as children, as well as offering child pornography for sale. This is an additional reason why i hate Second Life and the people in charge need to do more to control illegal content and protect younger players.
Good to see you guys commenting - well done!
Second Life is certainly an excellent case study for this topic. Loads of issues and debates surrounding it - not least the protection issues you speak of Rhys. You're quite right Ashley - the corporates are trying to hijack it for their own means; although there is a backlas to this too. Don't forget to check out www.getafirstlife.com for a great bit of satire on the whole phenomenon....
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